XPA: True Innovation is Here


Biomet is proud to introduce a focused solution to ligament preservation in orthopaedics: XPA (Bicruciate Preserving Arthroplasty).

We believe in providing innovative knee replacement solutions for orthopaedic surgeons and the patients they treat. The option of preserving a healthy anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) in both partial and total knee arthroplasty represents Biomet’s commitment to expanding the continuum of care.

By introducing XPA (Bicruciate Preserving Arthroplasty), Biomet provides orthopaedic surgeons with two ligament preserving knee implants: the Oxford Partial Knee and the Vanguard XP Total Knee System. Surgeons with patients presenting at the time of surgery with an intact, functioning ACL and PCL, meeting appropriate patient selection criteria for each option, now have another choice in knee arthroplasty; XPA.

To find out more about the Vanguard XP Total Knee System, the industry’s latest bicruciate preserving total knee system please visit our Vanguard XP webpage.